4 thoughts on “Honoring Our Fallen Heroes

  1. As Jesus laid down his life for us, so do the men and women of the American Forces do for us back home so we can enjoy our freedom. We should never let our next generations ever forget the sacrifice these men and women made for our freedom. I ma sure that these men and women who laid down their lives for their countrymen sored as on eagles wings into the arms of God POlly

  2. JMJ This video awakens in me so many memories of men and women I had the honor of serving with for twenty years in the Air Force. Especially the three years I spent as a young Airman on the ATC Honor Guard. My first two years as a Pall Bearer and last as NCOIC of Pall Bearers where I gave commands for carrying the casket and inspecting the flag after folding, to presenting flag to the next of kin. Many times feeling the pride, honor to be in the position to represent the Citizens of this great Nation, to show my respect and admiration for the soldier killed in the line of duty, usually Vietnam, or the veteran of a World War, even more so for a spouse (Wife) who took care of the family while her husband in many cases was somewhere she didn’t even know, it was so Top Secret. I think of the guys I flew with on B-52s, all the missions. Now I watch my children, grownup now and my beautiful grandchildren, that Our Lord has blessed me with, at Our Lady of the Atonement Academy. I feel so very blessed to be Catholic, and thank Our Lord for my family and friends, the gift of Faith and His Church. Thanks Sisters for this special tribute to our fallen heroes. God bless the USA. Viva Cristo Rey

  3. Thank you, Sisters, for this poignant video. Our freedoms are so fragile…may we always remember those who gave their all for them. And may God continue to bless the United States of America!

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